Intimate partner violence and women’s physical, mental, and social functioning. Hazen AL, Connelly CD, Soriano FI, Landsverk JA. Intimate partner violence and psychological functioning in Latina women. Rodriguez MA, Heilemann MV, Fielder E, Ang A, Nevarez F, Mangione CM. Intimate partner violence, depression, and PTSD among pregnant Latina women.
As with the AMIGAS intervention, we field-tested the general health intervention with Latina women recruited in Miami. We trained 4 Latina health educators from the Miami–Dade County Health Department to deliver AMIGAS.
As we reopen, you can be certain your health and safety is our top priority. Working out at the gym will feel a little different, but we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming experience. Hispanic women earn a higher share of bachelor’s degrees in psychology, social sciences, and biological sciences than in any other S&E field.
The date November 20 is based on the finding that Hispanic women workers are paid53 centson the white non-Hispanic male dollar, using the 2017 March Current Population Survey for median annual earnings for full-time, year-round workers. We get similar results when we look at averagehourlywages for all workers (not just full-time workers) using the monthly Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group for 2018—which show Hispanic women workers being paid 56 cents on the white male dollar. Gloria Arellanes is a political activist known for her involvement with the Chicano Movement, the Brown Berets, and has been an instrumental figure in the development of Chicana Feminism. The Brown Berets were known for advocating for education and employment improvements, speaking against police brutality and establishing a community clinic.
Spalluto hopes to conduct future studies that dive deeper into the relationship between a community health worker and a patient to determine factors that make the approach successful. Insight into these relationships could allow the model to be translated to other cultures. “This study would not have been possible without the commitment of our community partners and the dedication of Angelica Deaton, our promotora,” said Spalluto.
She’s used to being taken care of, and she’s used to taking care of people. She’s either top of her class in her career, or a stay at home mom focusing only on her family. This can lead to a culture of paradox extremes– a Latina women is either ridiculously fit, or struggling with obesity. I say creatures because it’s almost an animalistic instinct to share the charm. You walk into a Latino family party and you’re sure to get a dozen hugs and kisses on the cheek.
Sign up to receive updates on what you care about – advocacy, economic security or leadership – and for information on everything we’re working on! Be part of the transformation for Texas women and girls, and their families.
Coker AL, Smith PH, Bethea L, King MR, McKeown RE. Physical health consequences of physical and psychological intimate partner violence. Hazen AL, Soriano FI. Experiences with intimate partner violence among Latina women. Bonomi AE, Kernic MA, Anderson ML, Cannon EA, Slesnick N. Use of brief tools to measure depressive symptoms in women with a history of intimate partner violence. Healthcare utilization and costs for women with a history of intimate partner violence. Bonomi AE, Thompson RS, Anderson ML, Reid RJ, Carrell D, Dimer JA, et al.
Since 1979, the primary mission of the USHCC’s has been to identify business opportunities for Hispanic-owned businesses in the public and private sectors. In the past 30 years, the USHCC has been an advocate for the nation’s more than 2.5 million Hispanic-owned businesses. 48 scholarships have already been awarded and a total of 61 scholarships by the end of our current fiscal year 2008. is dedicated to helping Hispanic entrepreneurs grow their businesses with cost-effective marketing and sales strategies. This wonderful site serves as a nation-wide director of Hispanic business owners.
bAdjusted for baseline value of the outcome variable and having health insurance; comparison intervention was the referent for computing the AOR. We assessed the intervention effects of AMIGAS from baseline assessment to 3 months, from the 3-month to the 6-month follow-up, and for the entire 6-month study period (from baseline to the final follow-up).
Additionally, estimates of virus prevalence need to be interpreted carefully until studies directly comparing pregnant women and the general population are completed. The research team measured levels of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to estimate rates of exposure to the novel coronavirus in pregnant women cared for at two Philadelphia hospitals. They found that, overall, 6.2 percent of these women possessed antibodies to the virus, but with significant variation across racial and ethnic groups — 9.7 percent in Black women, 10.4 percent in Hispanic/Latina women, 2.0 percent in White/Non-Hispanic women, and 0.9 percent in Asian women. The media has a lot of room to grow in terms of their portrayal of non-American cultures and it can start by just having ethnic women play regular roles as common people, rather than portray a character and fill a stereotype that is completely made up by a white male’s mind.
Indeed, the COVID-19 downturn is the first of eight downturns in the past five decades in which women have lost more jobs than men. Bureau of Labor Statistics, based on its survey of households, the Current Population Survey . The CPS is the government’s official source for monthly estimates of unemployment.
During this time, more single women and more families began to migrate along with the working males who had already been migrating for several decades. This difference in gender migration is largely attributed to the difference in Latino and Latina work opportunities in the United States. Prior to the 1970s, the majority of the Latino migratory work was agriculturally based.
We are a non-profit organization with the aim to connect, support, and empower Latina women working in tech. H100 Latina Giving Circle is seeking to fund proposals for the 2020 giving cycle from North Texas based non-profit organizations located in Dallas, Collin and Tarrant counties, that empower Hispanic women and girls to achieve their potential.
Additional estimates, specifically those for racial, ethnic and nativity groups in the Great Recession, are based on the analysis of CPS data by Pew Research Center. These estimates are adjusted to account for the effects of annual revisions to the CPS.
The 3-day training provided a framework for delivering AMIGAS to Latina women at risk for HIV and aimed to enhance the health educators’ HIV-related knowledge and skills for delivery of AMIGAS with fidelity to the intervention curriculum. Trainees observed demonstrations of each AMIGAS activity, participated in group discussions and role-playing activities, and practiced teaching activities to demonstrate their knowledge of the curriculum and to experience delivering the intervention in a group setting. We assigned participants to the study conditions after the baseline assessment with concealment-of-allocation procedures, defined by protocol and compliant with published recommendations.19 Before enrollment, an investigator used a random-numbers table to generate the allocation sequence. As participants completed baseline assessments, they received sealed opaque envelopes with their assignments.
Likewise, the early waves of the Cuban migration were primarily families. After they Bay of Pigs failure, many middle class Cuban families sought escape from the newly communist Cuba in the United States.
The study was also generously supported by Jeffrey Lurie, owner of the Philadelphia Eagles, and Philadelphia 76ers star player Joel Embiid, and co-managing partners Josh Harris and David Blitzer. E.J.W. is supported by the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, which supports the cancer immunology program at Penn. The media’s hypersexualization of Latina women has associated their accents with being sexy, which hypersexualizes an entire language.